In the sleepy town of Chucklesville, there lived a man named Bob who had a peculiar problem—everything he touched turned into a muffin. Yes, a muffin. It all started when Bob, a notorious prankster, wished upon a shooting star to have the “Midas touch” for his birthday. Instead of gold, he got muffins.

At first, Bob thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. He touched a rock, and poof, a blueberry muffin! He touched a lamp, and voilà, a chocolate chip muffin! But the novelty quickly wore off when he accidentally turned his TV remote into a bran muffin during the season finale of his favorite show.

Desperate for a solution, Bob sought the help of the town’s wise old baker, Mrs. Crumble. She listened to his tale with a mix of disbelief and amusement before offering her advice. “The only way to break the curse,” she said, “is to bake a muffin so delicious that it would impress the star itself.”

Bob, who had never baked anything in his life, set out on a quest to create the ultimate muffin. He studied recipes, experimented with flavors, and after many hilarious kitchen disasters, he finally baked a golden, perfect muffin that smelled like heaven.

Under the next shooting star, Bob presented his creation to the sky, and to his amazement, the muffin floated upwards, leaving a trail of sparkles. The curse was lifted! Bob could touch things without fear of pastry-fication. He was so overjoyed that he didn’t even mind when the star sent down a cosmic muffin in return, which landed right on his head.

From that day on, Bob was known as Muffin Bob, the man who could bake a muffin fit for the stars. And as for the cosmic muffin? It took a place of honor on his mantelpiece, a reminder of the time when everything he touched turned into breakfast.

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